I offer a range of creative services that can be customized to meet your specific needs. My services include graphic design and illustration, digital production and pre-press services, website design, and website administrative management.
I work well individually and also years of experience working with art directors, graphic designers and creative teams. I have worked with printers and print shop production owners as a valuable creative team player and house designer.
I am flexible, and efficient in following creative briefs, direction and other connecting documents as pertaining to the entirety of a project or overall assignment. I have experience following brand guidelines to execute creative assets fast, efficiently and to your satisfaction.
My fees are based on an hourly rate that can be billed by invoice or through a payroll schedule should you need me to work for you for an extended period of time.*
* I bill at a minimum of 1 hours per project or task. Any time accrued after 1 hour will be billed at .25 – quarter hour blocks, per project, with the first invoice due-upon-receipt. or if we arrange a payroll system. You will recieve a Excel spread sheet of the hours spend on your work. Quotes can be available for short, or long-term projects and assignments. For an agreed on price-point, we can establish a payment schedule no more then two week increments based on timeline, benchmarks, and deliverables.
If you only need help with one particular task, or a specific project, please contact me with details to get an time-line estimate or a quote.